Monday, July 25, 2011

A Perfect Fit

While waiting for our weekly pre-prod meeting to begin, I had an interesting, albeit brief chat with our head writer MJ about his newfound spirituality. Although come to think of it, "newfound" may not be the best word to describe it - I think a better word would be "renewed".

He told us that this renewed and strengthened spirituality stems from a new church or fellowship he recently started attending - a group that puts emphasis on the importance of praising and worshipping God, and has a crop of interesting speakers who talk about the Word on a weekly basis. Basically, it's not very much different from the church I have been attending since the age of 11.

One of the lessons he learned is about how impossible it is to find the perfect church. Why? Because people are imperfect. Since churches, apart from the physical structure, are comprised of a fellowship of people... Well, I don't think I need to spell it out for you right?

Anyway, this got me thinking about my own quest for the perfect fit - not only when it comes to church or fellowship, but in a more general sense. People, let's admit it, we like to belong. As much as we want to be non-conformists with a "f*ck the world" kind of attitude, we still cry if we get rejected by a guy/girl we like, we still get upset if we lose our jobs and we still want to feel loved, comforted and cuddled by our moms and dads.

It would be an ideal world indeed where you could find your niche or your soulmate and feel absolutely content. I know I haven't found mine yet, but really, who has? Yes you may be happy with your job and love what you do, but to say it is perfect means there is no more room for improvement. After all, why would you need to improve? You're already perfect!

The same goes with relationships. Ask any of the "perfect couples" you know and they'll all tell you this: relationships, of any kind, all need work. Contrary to many love songs, poems and movies, we are not the halves of a special someone we need to find. God made us in His image and likeness and I really don't think I need to tell you that He is NOT a half of anyone or anything.

So what of this quest for the perfect fit? Should we just raise the white flag? I say, no. Why? I'll tell you.

Because in this imperfect world filled with imperfect people and imperfect situations, a quest to find this so-called "perfect fit" will eventually lead us to the ONE and ONLY perfect being in existence.

So keep seeking. I know I will.

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