Just kidding. That's not what this is about. I just couldn't resist.
Let me start again.
They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Do you believe this? I suppose it's a matter of perception. That, and an exceptional ability to read people. I can't say I've experienced gazing into a person's eyes to see their complete identity unraveled in front of me. But there is one thing I can say; add a couple of letters and the word face turns into facade.
In life, certain moments call for certain moods, or states of mind. When you meet someone new, the standard protocol is: you smile, extend a handshake and a few sentences of small talk. How you felt or what kind of day you were having is irrelevant. It's something we just have to do.
In theory, it's a good thing we have going. Who wouldn't want to live in a world where everyone is pleasant and cordial? But what troubles me is what lies behind the smiles, handshakes and friendly conversations. It's so easy to hide our true emotions, and sometimes, that's not such a good thing.
We use our faces as masks. Masks to hide anger, pain, disappointment, frustration.. Masks that, when used too frequently, become difficult to take off. Masks that make me feel like I'm in one big masquerade ball where nobody really knows who anyone really is.
It would be a sad, sad day when sincerity becomes passe...
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