Everytime I blink, there are new babies left and right. Baby photos have become a hot commodity among profile pictures in Facebook. Am I jealous? No! But to be honest, I am a little bothered.
For one, seeing old friends and classmates grinning ear to ear with their newborns in hand can't help but make me feel old. I mean, if they are of the age of settling down and having babies, that means I am too. And we all know that being "of age" to settle down and start a family means this: you're getting old.
Another reason is the economy. Okay, I know it is completely none of my business, and if people want to have dozens of babies they have every right to. But with the growing rate of unemployment and the worldwide recession going on, do you really think it's wise to bring in another mouth to feed at this time? Unless, of course, you can afford to feed a small country by yourself. In that case, go baby go!
Let me get one thing straight. I am a fan of babies. I'm not the kind of person who panics in the presence of babies and can't appreciate their extreme cuteness. I am, in a fact, a really devoted Aunt and I adore my baby niece tremendously. But despite my love for babies and the joy they represent, we have to remember that babies are little people. Okay, that sounded wrong. I don't mean vertically challenged people, but I'm sure you knew that. Soon, that cute round pudgy little thing is going to be a messy, obnoxious kid. Then, an angsty, smelly teenager. And finally, they will step into the stage in life we all fear... adulthood.
Babies are gifts from God. But maybe we shouldn't ask for certain gifts unless we're ready for it. You wouldn't give an 8 year old boy his own car, would you?